Saturday, July 18, 2015

Happy Blogiversary and a Giveaway

365 days ago I was panicking about starting my business.  I had planned and researched.  I had worked hard for eight months.   I had spent hours preparing and slaved over my first batch of MISTIs.  I was in tears and scared out of my mind.  I felt like the life I had was about to be over.  I knew things were going to be different.  I made my first post and it was official.  Then.....nothing happened.  I felt relieved that my life was not over.

A week had pasted and nothing happened.  I started messaging other card makers on YouTube to check out my videos.  Still nothing.  My husband would ask each day if I sold a MISTI and I would say no.  I just knew that he wanted to say I told you so.  I remembered the words of my husband's uncle, "Only forty of your closest friends and relatives will buy one.  You are too close to this."    I was a little disappointed that when I showed paper crafters no one said, "I will buy one."

Eleven days had past.  Then there was a sale.  I sold one.  I sold one to Kelly Marie Alvarez from Lawn Fawn.  I thought I hit the big time.   The orders were going to roll in now.  Nothing.  The pity party started.  My mind thought, "Kelly bought one because she felt sorry for me.  What a sweet lady!  I really like her more now."   Oh well...what am I going to do with the other 59 MISTIs.

A couple days passed and I had another sale.  A couple more days passed and I had another sale.  I thought that this was a good pace.  If I can sell two or three each week I could handle it.  A steady stream is all I wanted.  I knew God would not give me more than I could handle.  Then Splitcoast Stampers happened.  Qtpy posted and then the world went crazy.

God has slowly eased me into this.  Every step I wade deeper and deeper in  He is whispering to me the whole time that everything will be okay.

Dear God,
Thanks for everything you do.

Now there have are times that I start to splash too much and feel like I am sinking.  During these times my friends and family remind me to be still and listen for God's whisper.

Dear Friends and Family,
Thanks for everything you do.

Splitcoast Stampers will forever have a place in my heart.  My eyes well up with tears of gratitude.  There is this unexplainable feeling of support there.  Encouraging, joyful hearts live there.   My cheerleaders have become good friends.

Dear Splitcoast,
Thanks for everything you do.

It floors me that you are reading this, that you care what I have to say,  that you take the time watch my videos.  It overwhelms me to hear your comments.

My dear Sweet Petunias,
Thank you for your support and most importantly your time.
Thank you for everything you do,

Giveaway:  In honor of the handmade MISTIs I used to make,  all blog subscribers will be entered in a random drawing for an original laser etched MISTI.

If you already subscribe, you don't need to do a thing.

If you aren't a subscriber, all you have to do is sign up to enter.

Winner will be posted on the anniversary of my first sale, July 29th.

Dear Uncle David,
I told you so!


  1. Those are lovely words Illiana. I have followed your blog in my reader for some time now but I choose to subscribe to your blog, not to get a MISTI (which is a totally sweet giveaway!) but to let you know what a fabulous product you have and how happy for your success I am and so I will subscribe to let your Uncle David know....she did tell you so! :D

  2. Yes, Iliana - we love you - we care - and we admire you for all you have accomplished. You persevere, and you believe. But there's more..... you have not just become an awesome inventor and businesswoman....... through your blog I am learning that you are also a beautiful and heartfelt writer.

    1. Writing scares me! I thought I would not have to worry about it after graduating school. Thanks for the compliment, I am insecure about my writing.

  3. Thank You for sharing God's goodness.

  4. Your Misti is the best thing since sliced bread! I subscribed as soon as I found you a few months ago! I ordered from SSS for the Misti and all accessories from you and my stamping is so much better because of you. Thank you for the chance to win a very special Misti

  5. What a sweet post and how precious! God is good! The Misti is an incredible product and crafters are so grateful to have such a wonderful tool. SO glad you chose to persevere. So very happy for your success, sweet girl!

  6. Iliana, I loved your heartfelt post. You and the MISTI have helped in ways you might not have thought. My Mom is 96. She loved stamping and making her own cards. She gave it up after she could no longer stamp good impressions because of unsteady hands. After I purchased the MISTI and played around with it, I showed Mom. She did some stamping with it and was amazed how well she could stamp her cards. Long story short, you have brought back a joy once thought gone. So tell Uncle David that! Thank you bunches from Mom and me.

    1. So glad you and your mom have a passion for stamping. I wish my mom lived closer so that we could do that together!

  7. Congrats on your upcoming '1st MISTI Sold' Anniversary! Very thoughtful, kind words in your post. We MISTI owners are very appreciative that you created this helpful tool which has helped thousands of crafters. I'm enjoy the videos you and other crafters make which help me learn various ways to use it more. Continued blessings, Iliana. xx :)

  8. Iliana~ A friend introduced me to the MISTI and I had to have one with all the accessories It has changed my card making life in immeasurable ways - all for the positive. Other friends have tried mine and have bought one as well also with all the accessories. I am so glad that you made the decision to persevere. Had you not, card making life would have amounted to much wasted paper. Congratulations to you on your anniversary and a BIG HUGE thank you from me for your ingenious MISTI!!!!

    1. Awe shucks! Thanks for spreading the word. Just think of all the trees we have saved! Haha!

  9. Iliana
    Love your video and card. Congrats on your upcoming year of sales. MISTI is a must item for all crafters/card makers.

  10. Congratulations on your Blogiversary! Love the card, thanks for sharing.

  11. Ordered my Misti in November after watching Jennifer McGuire using it. What a neat tool, find myself using each time I make a card. You did an excellent job creating it.

  12. What a lovely post! I watched and watched your little company, and then I jumped in! Congratulations on your success! My MISTI makes me so happy.

  13. Congratulations on your success. It's a wonderful tool. I love mine.

  14. Congratulations on your success, your belief, and your perseverance. The MISTI is a great tool, and I use it regularly. I wish you many years of success. What other cool ideas do you have that would make a crafter's life more fun?!

  15. I love my Misti so much that I ordered another for my daughter's Aug. 2 birthday. Thanks for your vision in creating this fantastic tool. May God bless you and your company abundantly! God is Good!

  16. Delightful card Illiana...thanks for sharing how you made it! Like the tips you gave too! Happy for your success and God's blessings!!!!
    Paper Hugs,

  17. I have had my original Misti since your early days....last August I think. I use it EVERY time I stamp! Mine actually has Catherine Pooler's name lightly etched on the edge. LOL. I cherish it.
    So happy you have found such success.

    1. I wonder how that happened! I am mortified!

  18. Happy blogiversary Illiana!! Amazing story. Thanks for sharing it. I LOVE my MISTI and am very thankful that you invented it. Thank you for your videos too! I always look forward to seeing other ways I can use my MISTI or even to use it more efficiently.

  19. Congratulations! YOU DID IT! You had a dream and with God's help you made it come true! You made them, packed them and prayed over them!!

  20. Happy MISTIversary! You have wonderful story and a wonderful product. And we have a wonderful God! Many blessings to you and your family.

  21. Awesome story! So happy for you and your success!

  22. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  23. Iliana, you are too cute. And God IS good. And Uncle David was wrong. Congratulations on your anniversary.

    1. All the time! We have a good laugh with him every time we see him. He tells me he is proud all the time.

  24. Wow Iliana, congratulations, I am a new MISTI owner and I am so happy I bought it. I love your video's and hope to see many more.
    Big Hug to you all the way from The Netherlands.

  25. Thanks so much for sharing your story. I just love my Misti and am starting to wonder how I used to get along without it. It is a fabulous product and think you should start doing wholesale as your business would just explode. Have a great day and congratulations on your anniversary.

  26. Congratulations on Misti i think every stamper should have this product. Misti makes stamping fun and easy.

  27. I am SO very happy for you and the success that has come your way. I found out about MISTI on the PTI forum and it has become my #1 tool that I could not live without. Okay, I might be able to live but it is definitely my favorite tool and I recommend it to everyone.

  28. I love my MISTI !!!! Congratulations!! I have to also remind myself to listen to God and follow His lead.

  29. Congratulations on your success!!! Your hard work paid off <3

  30. I love MISTI! And would LOVE an original

  31. Congratulations, Iliana. So glad for your success. I have been dreaming of getting a MISTI for quite some time. I hope I can get it soon. Who knows, maybe I will win it.

  32. Gonratulations for MISTI! I hope this giveaway is international... Some fellow crafters have MISTI here in Finland, and I just love it! I would sososo much like to have my own MISTI.

  33. Beautiful card! And yay for your year. It's a fantastic tool, I'm glad it's found it's way into the homes and hearts of many stampers :)

  34. Congratulations Illiana on your anniversary. I for one was lost without the MISTI and avoided stamping as much as I could, since I dont fret stamping at all. Loved reading your post and am so happy you persevered. I know many are now enjoying their stamping much more also.

  35. Happy Anniversary.
    Received my MISTI last week and already LOVE it. So glad you took the leap of faith with your idea/product. You have made it so much easier for us to stamp our images.

  36. Congratulations! The craft world is a hard place, people are always looking for a bargain, steal your ideals, and crash your dreams.
    I once had a store so I feel your struggles so hard who to trust , what to advertise, how to to deal with the pace at times, it is so hard to be a one woman show, but your post is very inspirational, have faith and continued sucess!
    sadly I have not bought a misti , I have a lot of issues in my life, and have to justify my spending these days. It is on my wish list thinking it would make me the next best stamper!

    1. Thank you. It is true there are some pretty inconsiderate people out there. So much lack of integrity that makes them not ashamed of their actions. It is up to us to be an example. Better yet to gently rebuke them with a compassionate heart. Don't lose faith!

  37. Happy Blogiversary! I love the MISTI! Thank you for sharing your talents with us!

  38. Your card is absolutely beautiful!! Congratulations on your one year anniversary!!! Your hard work and faith and the support of your family, friends and fellow crafters have proven to be a success for you and your business. Best of wishes to you.
    And Uncle David I am sure you are proud of Iliana :)

  39. No MISTI here yet but hopefully in the future. An amazing creation. Enjoyed your story.

  40. The Misti is definitely on my wish list!

  41. Congratulations on your First Anniversary with MISTI.
    I also love how you started and continue your business with God always in front of you. Blessings

  42. Congratulations on your upcoming anniversary. Bless you for sharing your MISTI journey with us and for recognizing those folks who have encouraged you along the way! The MISTI is a huge success - continued best wishes as your journey continues onto the next stage!

  43. This brought tears to my eyes! Congratulations on one year and may you have continued success... Some day I'll own a MISTI too! :D

  44. I subscribed to your blog. I have heard nothing but good things about your Misti tool, especially the original ones.
    Happy 1 year anniversary! I hope that you have many, many more successful years to come.

  45. I guess I have to do this over. I love your MISTI and it will be used with love, because you have put so much love and energy in producing this Product. Thank you for all you do. continued success in all you do..Aloha and Mahalo, carol

  46. I love my MISTI! At a crafty retreat in March I showed it to several friends and they sighed, went online, and ordered. These things sell themselves!

    I follow you through Feedly (RSS feed). Congratulations on your success!

  47. I have a misti. I got it back in december, right around New Years. I LOVE it! I am so happy for you!

  48. thank you for your lovely invention-it sure has changed the way i stamp! So glad you are being paid for your hard work ! Once you see it in action-you know you have to have it!!!

  49. You have created a product that has changed the stamping world. It is so fabulous and truly has made a difference in my crafting world.

  50. Congratulations on your 1st anniversary, I'm sure there will be many more to come. God knows what He is doing but we have to listen and trust Him and you did.

  51. I recently received my Misti and I am in love. Thank you for creating this fabulous product. Happy 1st anniversary!!!

  52. I'm in the uk but just had to have a mist!!...and it's one of the best things I've ever bought....and I love all your videos...thanks again for helping us along on this crafty journey we all are making!!...happy blogoversary and big hugs from the uk x x

  53. Congratulations on your Anniversary and well done, Thanks for the chance to win 😃

  54. Thank you for a chance to win a Misti, it has been on my wish list. Congratulations on your one year anniversary. So glad it is doing well for you.

  55. Congrats! I love my Misti and don't know what I would do without it. Thank you for taking a chance and believing you could do this. All the best!

  56. You had an idea, and you listened to your gut feeling. Bravo on a GREAT product. Wishing you much success in the future.

  57. LOL @ your message to Uncle David. =) Glad you hung in there Iliana because I love my MISTI!!! I would love to win one to give to a friend. I am subscribed to your blog in my RSS reader (RSSowl), but I don't think it shows up on the Blogger website. Happy anniversary!!! =)

    1. Okay, I have subscribed here on Blogger so you can see!! Thanks for the chance to win!! =)

  58. A big congrats! I'm so proud that you didn't give up. My Misti is one of my favorite stamping tools. I tell everyone about it. Keep up the good work!

  59. Congratulations! . I got my misti in December and have loved it dearly.

  60. Iliana, you are one inspirational lady!!! Your story brought a little tear to my eyes. I appreciate all the hard work you put into creating and distributing the MISTI. It truly lives up to it's name. I can't stamp without it. It not only helps me stamp like a pro, but more importantly it has added sanity to my stamping life. I don't know how many times I would step away from my craft desk full of frustration because I couldn't get a good, solid image. Now, I can spend hours stamping and not even want to leave my projects. One thing that's close to my heart is making cards for a local charity. The MISTI has allowed me to donate even more cards. I thank God for YOU, Iliana!!! I'm so glad that you stuck with this even when things looked gloomy. Congratulations on your upcoming 1 year anniversary. May the Lord continue to bless you and your family. Looking forward to celebrating many more anniversaries with you. {{{INKY HUGS}}}

    1. Also, thank you for the chance at winning an original MISTI. I would love to own one with the etched surface. If (that's a huge IF with all the subscribers you have) I win, I plan on using the one I have with the stamp groups that I'm in. I've been very protective of my MISTI and won't allow just anyone to use it. Friends who I have allowed to "test" out the MISTI have bought their own. LOL!!!

    2. Thank you so much! I had tears writing about it! Big smile reading your comment.

  61. oh, I just want to tell you that I was talking about your product the other day at lunch. my "remedial" buddy (we both can make the silliest mistakes) asked me what was "new" in the stamping world and I spoke gobs about your product. she got so excited that she immediately looked it up. she was like I "need" one of those. the excitement was hard to contain. I love this product and wish you great things. I shall subscribe so I can have a chance to win one.

  62. I had a long time to think on getting misti. What changed my mind was some crafter who used it to mass produce her cards and that it was darn easy to use it with Altenew Rose set. Lol.

    Thank you for bringing in MISTI.

  63. trying again...sorry....I just love my MISTI

  64. Congratulations on your success. It looks like an awesome tool and I would love to own oneI

  65. The best thing that has happened to my stamping ministries is your wonderful MISTI!!! I use THEM whenever I stamp! Last Thursday I had the privilege of having two young moms and their daughters to stamp and we used the MISTIs. It was such fun as they stamped, didn't quite get a good coverage . . . then they stamped again and voile happiness! Wonderful product!

    1. I have neglected the card ministry. I need to be more disciplined and make sure I continue with it. Thanks for the reminder

  66. Just adding my thank you's to everyone elses. My MISTI has saved me lots of $$$ as I was ready to throw away all the cheap-0 stamps that didn't stamp well. Now, I have a whole cabinet full of 'new' 'old' stamps that work!!! And I'm getting them all organized so I know what I have, because I can use them now! Thanks, and congrats. Your faith in your product has blessed the cardmaker world!

    1. Don't forget that all that money you save leaves you more to spend on new stamps!

  67. You already know that I am a huge fan of MISTI. I am thankful that God gave you a plan....lucky for us stampers, too. Be blessed! Congrats on your success!

    1. Thanks. I love to watch you make cards! Thanks for the beautiful card you sent me!

  68. I personally am so happy that God had a plan for you. People don't often understand how something as small as a crafting tool can change someone's life but not only did this MISTI change yours, but it did mine as well. The MISTI has helped me accomplish so much in my stamping and made it a whole lot easier for me to craft. I have health issues that often affects my hands, so using acrylic blocks can be extremely difficult at times, but with the MISTI I don't have to struggle with that issue any longer. Using the MISTI has allowed me to stamp without the extreme pain I would have when trying to grab a block. Plus I can do so many amazing techniques with this fabulous tool. Imagine all the other lives you have changed too. God definitely had a grand plan for you and I am super blessed he did! Happy Blogiversary!

    1. Thank you. I was so frustrated making cards and I had to find a way to make it easier for myself. Stamping has always been relaxing for me but sometimes it would be not as enjoyable. MISTI relieves some of the pressure to get it right. So glad it has helped you.

  69. I love the Misti. I never liked stamping because I always messed up and had to start over. With the Misti the results are AWESOME. I now have purchased lots of stamps and love to create with the Misti.

  70. I have been looking on ebay, Amazon and could not find where to buy one of the Misti's. I told my kids that's what I wanted for Christmas. Don't know what the new lazer one is, but would be interested. Can't find a video on it either. Would love to win one. Thanks for the chance.

    1. You can buy a MISTI at The laser ones are the ones I originally made before going to manufactured. It was too expensive to continue with the laser model. I have spare parts form when I used to make them. So I made one to giveaway.

  71. I love my misti!! And I am really happy for you that it is going so great, you really deserve it. If I win this one, I will have a blog candy on my blog for my subscribers (I don't need two and why not spread the love). Happy Blogiversary from Israel!

  72. Thanks for my MISTI. You have made a lot of people very happy. That's the best gift to give somebody. Thanks!!

  73. So nice to hear your story here, and we are all so happy that you stayed true to your product and kept going until more of us found out about the MISTI =) It seems like an amazing tool for crafters that, like I, are sticklers for precision! I wish I could try it out, but right now it's too expensive for me... But anyways, have a happy anniversary!

  74. Thank you for not giving up on your dream and also for letting God lead you in His time!! This amazing tool, the MiSTI is going to change my whole stamping ability. I am one of those who could never get it right. I would love to win one, but if not, then I will definitely be ordering one from you. A friend, Sharon Gable, a teacher at the Craftin Cow, where I take craft classes, introduced me to the MSTI and I will be ordering one very soon. Thank you for sharing your very innovative product with all of us!!! Penny

  75. Congrats Illiana on your anniversary and many many more to come!

  76. Big congrats. I feel truly blessed by your kindness as well so:
    Dear Iliana,
    Thanks so very much for your kindness in sending me a MISTI. I reach for it every time I stamp now. It is fantastic for getting the rich, dark sentiments in the right places and not crooked. It is fab for stamping crisp, clean images and helping me to not waste any more cs with the mistakes I made.
    The day it arrived I felt like I won. My friends didn't get it (they are not stampers) but I was thrilled and dancing around. I felt showered with love and kindness.
    Hugs mf,

    1. Non crafters do not understand us. That's okay we have each other!

  77. Huge congratulations and Happy Anniversary! I'm glad you listened to God and didn't give up or throw in the towel. I love the card, and I want to wish you continued success! I remenber how nervous you were about making the road trip to IL and I have been Praying for you ever since! Keep up the great work, your invention has been blessing stampers everywhere! Thank you for offering someone a chance to win! You're so sweet!

  78. Thank you for sharing your feelings with us! I am so happy for you and am crossing my fingers that I can win this!!!!!! I've wanted one since they first came out :) Congrats to you!

  79. Love your story, gives me hope as a just starting out business owner! Yep, I keep praying every day that I'll get more clients! I'm thinking I need one of these tools, would love the chance to win one!

    1. forgot to mention, I've become a subscriber!

  80. Would love one of the original MISTIs. Thanks for sharing your story, it is beautiful. Glad that your dream has come true.

  81. Thanks for sharing your story. It makes me happy to see success stories like yours. You deserve all the rewards that come from your hard work.

  82. What a lovely post! So glad God is given credit... I LOVE my MISTI!!!

  83. Thanks for sharing your blessings and i love my Misti.

  84. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  85. This tool looks like an answer to a prayer for me! thanks

  86. Great card Illiana - I love my Misti!

  87. Happy blog anniversary! Thanks for the chance to win :) love your vids

  88. Happy Blogiversary! I love my MISTI. It is fabulous, if for no other reason than perfectly stamping on die cuts! God is good all the time, no matter what the circumstances!

  89. Congratulations on a great first year! I love using my MISTI. Thanks for a wonderful invention.

  90. I have not yet gotten my misty but it is on my list of need to haves. It seem like it is the ultimate stamping tool that has been missing all these years!

  91. I loved reading your blog... What a inspiration you are.. God is good and yes you're right, he was slowly easing you into something amazing!! I wish you the best on your business.. I am wanting to start my own business and you have inspired me to jump and keep moving forward Thank you so much :)

    1. I just need to remember to be quiet to hear Him.

  92. Congratulations on finding your niche! What a great product! You are an awesome inspiration! Here's to many more years of success! Thank you for the chance to win a MISTI.

  93. Beautiful words, love the misti from the videos I have seen I am so getting one as soon as I can :)

  94. Every time I use the MISTI, I'm in LOVE all over again. Thanks for your videos to help us learn more all the time.

  95. Congratulations! I enjoy your videos and someday i hope to have a MISTI too!
    thank you :)

  96. Fantastic tool!!! I used my friend's and loved it. Hope to have one of my own soon. :) When will they be back in stock?

  97. i have watched all the Misty vigeos on you tube. I love it and want one. I can not find any where to subscribe to you on your blog. Please point me in the right direction.

    1. I found the email button and have now subscribed. Thanks

  98. I love the MISTI and I'm so glad you thought of inventing it. It makes stamping effortless. How did I ever stamp without it? Crookedly is the answer. Thank you, thank you, thank you!

  99. congrats, i still do not have a Misti...hopefully one day! July 29 is my birthday, so I will remember your anniversary sell date for sure!

    wishing you years of success!

    sparkle & shine *~*

  100. congrats, i still do not have a Misti...hopefully one day! July 29 is my birthday, so I will remember your anniversary sell date for sure!

    wishing you years of success!

    sparkle & shine *~*

  101. Congratulations on making it for a year. You deserve all you have achieved .

  102. I wish I had known about the MISTI earlier, I would have definitely gotten one sooner!! It was the BEST investment I've ever made! Thank YOU!

    You are inspiring to me for your perseverance and your belief in God throughout your experience. Thank you for opening up your heart and telling us your story. You did make a difference, in many ways :) Congratulations MSP!!

    PS: You may have a small niche market for people who would like the laser etched MISTI. Something to think about :)

  103. Congratulations on your success. I have heard a lot of great things about the Misti tool. I am looking forward to giving it a try sometime. Thanks for thinking out of the box and getting this on the market.

  104. I love my MISTI. Great tool for me and especially so when I make multiples. I am glad your venture is successful!

  105. I just discovered the MISTI recently and don't know how I've lived without it. It seems like such a wonderful product and great for stammers at all levels. Thanks for the chance to win. I can't wait to tell all my friends about your product. Thank you also for persevering when you could have decided to give up. You are truly an inspiration.

  106. Hello and thank you for your heartfelt words. It's inspiring to see a young woman with such passion and creativity. I'm a late bloomer and own one stamp. I have not even purchased ink yet. I'm the kind of person that searches tutorials and researches everything to the point of exhaustion before I dive in and make a purchase. I came across your blog a few months ago and I find the Misty is on my "need to have" list! I can't wait to start crafting and The Close to my Heart" stamp was my first of many. Your tutorial on the thank you card was so helpful! Best of luck in all you do and I'm sure I will be on your customer list soon.
    ((Hugs)) Karen

  107. Congratulations Iliana, your success is well deserved. I've had mine here in the UK for a few months now and love using it. I spend time watching youTube tutorials and then trying out the techniques myself. Brilliant tool!

  108. Hi, my first visit. I don't have a MISTI but it seems everyone is talking about it. Well done. Hugz

  109. Beautiful card! Congratulations for developing such a wonderful tool for stampers. I love my MISTI!


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