I selected black as the main color for a reason. This design will hide all the accidental lost marker caps and ink pads, and yes, chocolate that smudge our bags. We have the Studio bags in three different trim colors though so that you can choose one that fits your style.
Here is a video that shows how much can go into the Studio Bag. I honestly could have stuffed it with more things.
Also, new to us are replacement stickers for the MISTI - surprise! If you want to customize your MISTI with a different color, you now have that option. We have them available in two colors, designed to coordinate with the Studio Bags.
We hope you enjoy this bag as much as we do. It has quickly become a must have, and we've done our part field testing it at classes and retreats, so we are 100% confident you will love it. It's at a special introductory price right now, so grab the one you love!
It is available now at an introductory price of $35 until August 4th.
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Hi Iliana ~ I'm definitely putting this bag on my Christmas wish list and I LOVE the replacement stickers for the MISTI. As a lefty, I always work with the numbers upside down so being able to switch them up will be awesome!!! Thanks for adding these to the store too. Enjoy the rest of your week. ~HUGS~