
Wednesday, September 28, 2016


Confession...I have kits still sitting and waiting for my attention.  Supplies waiting to be used.  Impulse buys from those emails that I receive from bloggers and retailers.  I justify my purchases with  'Someday I can use this for...." My best excuse is, " I should support my industry and purchase this."  

So when I get stuck on what to make with the supplies I own.  I get my creative juices flowing with a card kit.  First,  recreate what is in the kit.  There is nothing wrong with making the samples that are provided.  That helps with my original creations.  

I pulled out the July Simon Says Stamp kit and started from there.  While the kit is no longer available the supplies are available for separate purchase.  

Hope you can use your stash to create a "Someday Project".

Thanks for stopping by!


  1. It's so nice to know I'm not the only one who has a "stash" problem! 🤓

    1. WE ARE NOT ALONE... Let she that is without a stashed kit, throw the first ink pad LOL!

  2. No confession needed. I'm right there with you. It just so happens that this week I too have been working with "purchased-a-while-back-and-haven't-used-them-yet" stamps and dies.

  3. Your card is beautiful. I copy the designers cards and than, hopefully, will go off on my own. I have stacks and stacks of paper copies and the directions to make the designers cards. I also have a whole lot of supplies that I have not used yet but will someday


  4. I'm a newbie and I always think that I've not enough items to create something nice but in the meanwhile I don't know where store all of my items! ; D
    The trouble with me is to find the courage to jump without the fear of failing...
    Anyway, your "Someday Project" is absolutely adorable! <3

    1. I have been collecting supplies for over a decade, and I still can't find what I need.


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