
Monday, August 1, 2016

Happy Birthday Concord & 9th

Happy birthday!!!!!  I am so proud to be asked to participate in this Birthday Bash Blog Hop.  When I heard the story of Greg and Angie, it made me heart smile.  I did meet Greg at CHA in January.  He is an awesome and sweet person. Concord & 9th has come a long way in just one year.

I know it is early for a Christmas card, but the JOY stamp set was my most recent purchase.  It is never too early to start preparing for the holidays.  The stamp set is versatile and not just limited to the Christmas.
JOY should not be limited to the holidays.  It is something that we should enJOY on a daily basis.  It is something that I struggle with.  The struggle is allowing something to rob my JOY.  Luckily, I am blessed with people in my life that are constantly reminding me to enJOY my blessings.

One of my blessings is the crafting community that supports small businesses as we grow.  When I see the Concord & 9th logo, I feel JOY that they are out there helping spread JOY by creating stamps for us.

We feel JOY when we receive our stamps.  We feel JOY when we create with our stamps and we feel JOY when we give our cards away to others.

Giveaway:  Concord & 9th is giving away a $20 Gift Certificate.  So leave a comment on what brings you JOY.   I will post the winner on the 9th.

So I hope you enJOY my video.  Happy Birthday Concord & 9th!!


  1. My JOY comes from FAMILY. After issues having a child, God blessed me with a perfect, healthy boy. I was (to say the least) an older parent by the time of my blessing. We just got back from vacation with him and his family (two beautiful boys and wife).Of course I find joy in stamping and making cards for them all, but the joy I get from them embellishes the joy that comes from my hobby.

  2. Awesome card! I get joy from the beauty of nature which is probably why I am drawn to floral, foilage and butterfly stamps!

  3. My faith, first and foremost, brings me joy, but next is my family! We recently spent an entire week doing life together in one cottage...8 adults and 3 littles! Lots of love and laughter and sweet times! JOY!

  4. I enjoyed your card and video! TFS

  5. Beautiful. Thank you for the inspiration...getting in the mood to make holiday cards, yeah!

  6. Actually your card brought me JOY this am I love it
    Thanks for sharing

    Denise C

  7. Your card is gorgeous. I love the use of glitter in the JOY!

  8. One of the things that brings me joy is stamps. I love stamp and I have a huge collection. Your card is great. Thanks.

  9. Beautiful card! My 2 boys bring me joy every day.

  10. LOVE your card and Concord & 9th!!! Happy first birthday!!

  11. What a great card. The wreath is beautiful. You are right, it's never too early to start preparing for the holidays.

  12. Your card is beautiful and I'm adding the stamp set and die to my must have list. TFS

  13. Love your wreath - off to download your template so I can make one, to Our!

  14. I get so much Joy out of making cards to send to family and friends.

  15. Being creativity and creating beautiful cards for loved ones give me joy.

  16. Joy to me is spending time with people that I love.

  17. Family is my JOY. Love the beautiful card.

  18. JOY! My relationship with my husband of 52 years, my children, my grandchildren, my extended family....

  19. Happy 1st Birthday to Concord and 9th! Love your card and enJOYed seeing you create it. My faith and my family bring me lots of JOY, as does my stamping. When I create, when I mail a card and when the recipient compliments me on my card, I am JOYful. Cleaning my closets and purging also brings me JOY. Thanks for the chance to win a GC. PS: Using my MISTI brings me great JOY also!

  20. Creating cards or scrapbook pages about my family brings me great joy. Love your card

  21. My JOY comes from my MISTI and I am also thrilled that I started purchasing Concord & 9th's beautiful stamp sets about 4 or 5 months ago. I really love their art. Thank you so much for sharing this beautiful card! I <3 my MISTI!

  22. Beautiful card and I love your message today! You have much to be JOYful for and your invention brings JOY to so many!! :)

  23. Very, very pretty Iliana....thank you for the video....would never have imagined how you did it - now to get those templates to make my stamping so much easier!!!!!!!
    Paper Hugs,

  24. Absolutely beautiful card, Iliana! My family brings me joy and of course my Misti does too! I thank you every time I use her!

  25. Family and friends! But I also feel joy when I'm being creative, not only stamping and watercolor but also knitting! Your card is gorgeous! Defend yourself from joy-stealers!

  26. Beautiful card! I loved how you stamped the wreath. I am still saving to purchase a misti in Canada.I now want to try that wreath stamping. I get joy in almost everything I do and everyone I am with. TFS!

  27. Lovely card and message.
    So many beautiful reasons to bring joy ... children's smiles, sunshine, butterflies, stamps and ink, litchis, book club, friendship ....

  28. Spending fun times with my husband, family, and friends brings me joy.

  29. My family brings me joy! I love your card and enJOYed your video! Thank you so much for showing how to use your templates. I love my MISTI!

  30. Pretty card. Love the green and gold. I already have the Concord and 9th stamp set with the wreath. Will enjoy using it with your inspiration!

  31. My joy comes from my 4 grandsons

  32. My family brings me the most joy. I love watching my daughters playing together cresting fun memories. Crafting also bring me great joy. Lol

  33. Thank you for so many great ideas, especially how to use your free (thank you) template. Beautiful card, and yet another "must have" stamp set!!

  34. I find joy in the besuty of nature.

  35. I love that glittered JOY sentiment! My family brings me joy!

  36. My stamping crafts bring me joy-as well as my supportive husband!

  37. Family (including our critters!), friends, kindness, nature & creativity bring me joy. I enjoyed your video of how to make your pretty card! I think your use of the template to make the wreath was a great idea--I wish my mind would think of tips like that. Concord & 9th has such fun crafting goodies :)

  38. Beautiful card. Happy Birthday Concord and 9th!

  39. Hearing your voice brings tears of JOY to my eyes. Making art and connecting with fellow artists brings me joy. Teaching others how to let their art/joy out also brings me joy. I am so grateful I got to meet you this year and I miss you! (Meg M from MN)

  40. What a beautiful Christmas card! The Misti is a must and the technique for the wreath is great. Thank you for the tutorial.

  41. Such a beautiful card how the hexi, the gorgeous stamps and the brilliance that is MISTI worked together for this awesome design.
    :D TFS

  42. Sunshine and tree shade bring me joy.

  43. It brings me joy to create my Christmas cards and send them out to my friends and family. This Joy set would really get me started for the year.

  44. Gorgeous card! Love the delicate wreath and the glittery 'JOY'!
    What brings me joy... my cat, Coco! Love it when she stretches out on my legs when I'm on the couch watching TV!

  45. My family and the ability to be creative brings my JOY. Beautiful card, Iliana!

  46. my children, my grandkids ALL are my joy!

  47. My family gives me a lot of emotions but the greatest is joy!

  48. Beautiful card.
    Since not being able to have my own kids, being able to see my nieces and nephews give me joy.

  49. I agree - I love seeing new, small crafty companies thrive! I just had a week-long family vacation. Sunshine, family and water filled me with joy! :)

  50. this card is so pretty.. I love it.
    My family brings me Joy.. God is good.

  51. Pretty cards, fun cards, stamps, coloring things, live music, friends and family all bring me joy.

  52. Each day brings me joy.. Being alive.. Being healthy.. Sunsets.. The color Purple.. My dogs.. My husband.. I have tons of joy that I'm thankful for! Love your card!

  53. Thank you for the beautiful card idea. As a school counselor I have encouraged students to maintain joy even when they are unhappy. JOY became my word of encouragement. How great to see it here.

  54. Your card: gorgeous! Joy, in my life, comes from my family, especially my 6 year old niece and 4 year old nephew. I love their childhood innocence, their joy in exploring and learning; their giggles of delight when they play! Thank you for your wonderfully generous giveaway and, especially, for bringing a smile to my face in thinking of the two little gems I treasure deeply...

  55. Stunning card! Now is the perfect time to start holiday cards - thanks for the inspiration! My family brings me joy but so does creating cards and seeing the joy they bring to the recipient.

  56. My family brings me great joy! My other love is watching and learning new stamping techniques!!!! Thanks for sharing !

  57. I think my relationship with Him and my family are the things that give me the most joy in my life. Being able to create beautiful cards that I can use to encourage others also brings joy. :)

  58. Wonderful card!
    My grandson brings me more joy then I ever thought possible.

  59. This video brought me some JOY. I loved watching your process. I learned a lot. Thanks!

  60. Beautiful card!! Joy comes from everywhere.....especially in the Lord!

  61. Your card is beautiful. My faith, family and making cards to donate to charity are some of what bring me joy

  62. Very pretty card. My greatest joy is hearing from my two grown children. I miss them so much, even though one lives in town, and one is in the military. I see them as often as possible, and also talk on the phone often.

  63. Nothing brings me more joy than sharing my knowledge showing people how to bring out their creativity making beautifull cards for friends and family. The joy on a persons face and the huge smiles when you show them heat embossing,colourfull backgrounds and the use of dies & folders. I love it so.

  64. My joy comes from spending time with my two daughters! I waited a long time for them and am enjoying every day/every second with them. I am storing up lots of wonderful memories... thanks for the chance to win.

  65. Lovely card. My family gives me joy.

  66. Gorgeous card and awesome video! Love how easily you made this pretty wreath with the MISTI.
    I love Concord & 9th and congratulate them on the first of many birthdays!
    My family, stamps friends and new stamps bring Joy!

  67. This is such a beautiful card Iliana.
    What brings me joy is spending time with our children. Yesterday was our daughters 34th birthday. She was born 3 months premature and weighed 2.5 lbs. We dreamed THEN that we would see this day! She is now a wife, mother of 2 little boys and a jewellery designer. We are extremely blessed. Our son & DIL celebrated with us. Life is good!

  68. Gorgeous card! Joy for me comes from my family. I love to be with them. Two of my sons live our of town so I love to spend time with them. Crafting also brings me joy. Nothing better than to see the smile on someone's face when I give them a hand made gift.

  69. I love your card and get joy from friends, family and making cards.

  70. I love this classy and elegant Christmas design. Happy Birthday Concord & 9th!

  71. Love your card. The video was fantastic as I learnt a lot about how to use the misti and how easy it is to position all the wreath stamps and stamping off. LOVE the grid line hexagonal shape you used to help with positioning and turning the card, too. So many techniques to learn! Thank you!

  72. my JOY comes from knowing I have been forgiven
    through Christ & will get to spend forever with the Creator!
    Thanks for making MISTI !!!

  73. After a long stressful week....quite time to myself in my studio brings me joy!!

  74. So many things bring me joy, but I love the joy that comes from being able to serve others.

  75. What a beautiful, yet simple, card. I love it.

  76. I love your card, and Happy Birthday Concord and 9th! JOY.... I get joy from so much! My children ( four of them age 29, 26, 24 and 19), my husband (who is my perfect cowboy), my grandkids (Kaden, Judah, Hannah, Zoey), my yorkies (Phoebe, Eliza, Claire and Lorelei) and my darling horses, Solomon and Boaz. But I also get joy in creating things for people, whether it is stamping, crocheting, or shooting photography... Life is GOOD!

  77. The Crafting Community brings me Joy. Happy Birthday!

  78. I get joy from the sun shining. Right now it is over-heating the weather but when it is milder I really enjoy being outside or being able to have the windows open. I'm a fresh-air fiend.
    It's never too early to think about Christmas cards. I usually start
    thinking about the middle of July but it's around the first of December
    when I finally settle on my final idea.
    Great card.
    thanks for sharing.

  79. My three grandchildren bring me joy! Jenna, who is 4, lives with us full time and then there is Joseph, 12, and Isaac who turns 8 on the 5th of August! Without these three wonderful human beings I am not sure my lie would be as full as it is!
    When you add in all the time that I get to craft with Jenna every day then life seems pretty rosy from where I am sitting! Even though she is only 4 she really has a great handle on techniques and can run a die cutting machine like a pro! She knows her primary and secondary colors already and we are working on the rest!

  80. wonderful card. joy comes from family, friends and my dog with his friends. Thanks for sharing.

  81. A very lovely and inspirational card. I get such joy from just being with my family. Whether it's a large group of us, or a small group. Reminiscing about old times, over and over again, or just being silly with each other, loving one another and making new memories.

  82. God is Joy. My family is Joy. My children all gathering from around the country to celebrate "me" gave me great Joy. Papercrafting is also Joy for me. I love to make cards.

  83. My JOY comes from my family and my 3 dogs. No matter what kind of day I have I can come home to all of them and everything is better!

  84. Beautiful card, Thank you for sharing your ideas, making the video and being part of the giveaway. What gives me joy is spending another day with my husband and visiting with my children and grandkids who live in another state 3 to 4 times a year.

  85. Oh, my! So many things bring me joy! Being creative, admiring the natural world and artist's interpretations of it, laughing with my daughter and my grandchildren, cooking up the wonderful bounty of summer vegetables all bring me great joy. My sister is named Joy, so Joy abounds in our family. (She doesn't like me to "personalize" her Christmas cards with her name, so for her I use "Peace".)

  86. Beautiful card! My family and crafting bring me joy.

  87. Happy Birthday! My joy comes from family especially my three precious grandkids. Just wondered if the octagonal template for the Misti is available anywhere?

  88. Beautiful card!
    Simple things bring me joy.

  89. Wonderful card. I like the gold sparkly letters with the black behind. My grandchildren bring such joy to my life.

  90. Your card is very beautiful! My husband brings me joy -- he is truly wonderful.

  91. Being with my little niece and nephew brings me joy :)

  92. Love your gorgeous card! I try to find joy in the everyday little things as well as joy in bigger things like family get togethers.

  93. Lovely card & your video teaches how to do it with ease, thank you.

  94. Festive Wreath! Coloring brings me JOY:))

  95. This is such a gorgeous card Iliana and my son and grandson give me joy

  96. Fantastic the way you enhanced your word and created that amazing wreath. Finishing a difficult project brings me joy and, since I'm not one where crafting comes easy, I'm pretty joyful, often.

  97. Grandchildren bring lots of joy! And I ENjoy making cards! Thank you for you inspiration.

  98. I feel joy when I design a stamp, then again when I see people make amazing things with them.

  99. First I want to say thank you for sharing the reminder to not let things rob us of JOY! Needed that today! And am pleasantly surprised to find it in a card making tutorial of all places! 😊
    My JOY is found first in my Saviour, and the grace that he pours over me daily. Secondly, it is found in my family, they are my greatest blessings. But sometimes even our greatest blessings can bring a bit of stress, hence my needing the reminder. Need to count it all JOY! 😊

  100. What a lovely, shiny card! I enJOY spending time with friends and family and making them happy with handmade gifts and cards!

  101. Very very pretty, that gold is so beautiful!

  102. Beautiful card! Recently, ending a rough day with some nice music and crafting has brought me a huge joy.

  103. Beautiful card! Recently, ending a rough day with some nice music and crafting has brought me a huge joy.

  104. beautiful card. Joy is definitely time with kids and grand kids.

  105. Your card is very elegant. And I agree that it's never too early to make Christmas cards (tho I hate that Michaels already started putting in Christmas decorations - it's too early for that! lol). My family brings me joy. :-)

  106. BEAUTIFUL card.....I'm JOYful everyday that I wake up to the possibilities before me...and now that I'm retired those possibilities are full of card-making and crafts....that really fills my life with JOY

  107. Visiting blogs and seeing pretty cards brings me joy!

  108. Such a pretty, pretty card. Thank you!

  109. 3 words.....

  110. Crafting, jewelry making, and traveling brings makes me happy. And, let's be honest, FOOD makes me really happy too. The JOY comes from sharing it with extended family.

  111. What brings me joy is family and making cards.

  112. Fabulous card, nothing like a bit of sparkle to bring a smile to anyone's face!! People smiling bring me a lot of joy, they are so infectious and when followed by a laugh they are even more fabulous!!

  113. Hi Iliana ~ Your JOY card is absolutely perfect!! My family brings me JOY; my husband, my 3 grown {healthy} children, their spouses and my grandbabies. They make my heart full!

  114. PS: Thanks for including your wonderful video and sharing your fantastic templates!! ~HUGS~

  115. Lovely, lovely card! I find great joy in the many blessings that I have received from my Jesus!

  116. Wow your card is beautiful. Being in my little crafty space always brings me joy. No worries or at least I forget about them all.

  117. You are so generous to share your love of sharing your talent!! Love the Joy!!! Gorgeous and glittery!!! For my joy, being with friends and or family and having tons of laughter is always fun!!

  118. What a beautiful card! Love that technique using MISTI to stamp the wreath. THANK YOU for sharing it.

  119. My children and family bring me so much joy!

  120. This is beautiful!
    And what brings me joy is my family!

  121. Wow!!! Another knockout and the misti is match made in heaven with concord & 9th stamps

  122. Such a lovely card! Joy comes from my two kids. Doesn't matter that they are 28 and 32!

  123. Great card -love the wreath you created. What brings me joy is bringing joy to others! I did not see links to the templates you used in the video. They look like very useful items !

  124. Wonderfull Xmas card and great video too with very clear explanation.
    I'm learning new things to do with the Misti....just super!

  125. Beautiful holiday card, Iliana. Fantastic video with the hexagon template. What a fun tool to make the MISTI even more wonderful.

  126. Such a gorgeous card!! I love the feathery wreath around the JOY. This looks like a "must have" stamp set! My family brings me much joy! My wonderful husband, amazing son & very large extended family are the very meaning of joy!

  127. This is so pretty! Lots of things bring me joy: family, my pets, my crafting, bubble baths, reading...

  128. Beautiful!!! I love how you created your wreath. My family brings me joy, especially hearing my children giggle and laugh....there's no better sound in all the world!

  129. Very lovely card!!! I really like the extra glittered Joy!!! This would be a very nice Christmas card especially with the Misti and dies!!!!

  130. Love this card! JOY is my favorite word to put on Christmas cards! My grandson brings me great JOY!

  131. Love your pretty card. My faith, son, husband and all the little blessings of daily life bring me joy.

  132. My joy is seeing new crafty creations that give me new ideas and tips and tricks!

  133. What a terrific card! I love Christmas so I could look at/create cards for that holiday any time of year! Creating and teaching bring me joy. :)

  134. Love your card! I too struggle to keep something from stealing my joy but happy to say I am doing much better with this, I so enjoy your blog and Concord and 9th. Happy with y recent purchase of a MISTI! YEAH!

  135. What brings me joy is my two cute dogs, they are always happy to see me, but your cool octagon template is going to bring me much fun and joy, Thanks!

  136. What a beautiful card and I love the sentiment!

  137. Joy comes from being with family, especially with the three grandsons ...... and when I'm crafting with my friends!

  138. Really pretty the sparkle on the JOY die cut.

  139. Very nice card. Love your template! Being with my family brings me husband and my 4 sons. Going to work is when I am away from them but I know that the effort and sacrifice I take to go to work full time is for them which motivates me. Happy birthday Concord & 9th. More to come.

  140. Waking up in the morning brings me joy!

  141. Great card! My family brings me the most joy. My son is 21 and my daughter is 17. They are such blessings in my life. They do make me proud. And me and my husband have been married for 21 years. Can you believe I met him when I was 16! I'm sounding really old probably but I'm only 43 years young :-). Thanks for sharing your talent!

  142. I really enjoyed watching you create this my heart I find joy in precise, perfect outcomes, (although I wouldn't admit that to just anyone!)...congratulations on the day...(sigh), lovely card, tfs...Happy Birthday Concord and 9th! Di xx

  143. Love your card, and I love that 'Joy'. My family and my dogs give me most joy.

  144. As the Good Book says, "there is no greater joy than to know that my children walk with the Lord." Thanks for sharing this post, beautiful card!

  145. Happy BD C&9! Love this joyful card! Being a wife and mom brings me lots of joy.

  146. Wonderfull card.
    And a great video too, thank you.
    It gives me Joy when I get an enthousiastic email from a relative or friend when they receive a card from me. ;o)

  147. Great clean and festive card design. My family gives me joy everyday.

  148. You can add that your creations bring joy to others too! I love your card and enJOYed watching you create it! Have a JOYful day!

  149. My family brings joy to me. My 2 month old baby girl, my 5 year old boy , and my husband. I love spending time with them especial on crafting days

  150. I just love Concord & 9th! My favorite stamp company!

  151. Such a fabulous card - love the sparkly "joy". I find joy in the seemingly little things...talking with my daughter, watching a movie with my husband, sharing a laugh with my 70 year old aunt! Of course, card making brings me lots of joy (and serenity!)

  152. My niece and nephew bring me joy when we craft and have activity days together. Can't wait to show them these videos and see which card we recreate.

  153. Beautiful card, it's always good to get an early start on Christmas cards! Christmas definitely brings me joy!

  154. Fabulous card!! Love the wreath!!!

  155. What brings me "joy" is bring love and happiness to others! I made a promise years ago, to
    Everyday do something even if it's small, to bring a smile or joy or happiness to another persons life. Even if it's as simple as seeing someone with a food product in their shopping cart, and I k ow I have a coupon for that item, I excuse myself and introduce myself and give them the coupon!

    The look on their face is pure shock and it truly is a pay it forward type deal, of other did this as much as I, the world be be a softer and better place to live!

    I incorporate my greeting cards that I make into this as well giving a complete stranger a card saying hey I just wanted to think about you today and give you a smile is amazing of what their reaction is !!! Give love to others, it will come back to u and ur family 10 fold! 💗💗💗

  156. Squeal!! So BEUTIFUL!! LOVED the Video too!! THANKS SO MUCH for sharing and have a FABULOUS WEEK!! =)

  157. Beautiful card!! My joy comes from my family, my husband's great sense of humor and my daughter's amazing heart to help others.

  158. My first grandchild is bringing me SO much JOY!!

  159. Beautiful card, Rubeena!! Thank you for sharing what brings you JOY. My JOY comes from my husband and my pup - watching them together brings my heart happiness. I also find JOY in the beauty around me- the sights and sounds.

  160. whoops, sorry - I meant to say Iliana (so sorry!!! I got sidetracked)

  161. This is what joy looks like! Beautiful card!

  162. crafting brings me joy!! there's nothing like the feeling of a gorgeous finished product.

  163. Great card" Spending time with loved ones brings me joy!

  164. Lovely card! I find joy in papercrafting and watercoloring.

  165. Beautiful card, joy is being around my kids and spending time with my husband and family

  166. Lovely card-Joy? Makin my friends and family smile makes my heart melt. Have a Blessed day

  167. Feeling a christmas in the air! Whichever time when my family can have fun activities together, that's my joy😄

  168. My Joy is creating a card of encouragement to send to someone who is experiencing a difficult time in their life.

  169. I get joy from my family and being creative with and without them.

  170. Great card, I love it. My family is my Joy

  171. Lovely card. Waking up each morning to see the sun rise and how beautiful sunsets are and the blessings of a new day brings me joy.

  172. Iliana I cannot wait for the JOY when I put my new C&9th to work in my MISTI!!!

  173. I love that bold sentiment taking the center stage in the card, great products too

  174. Love the feathery look of the wreath contrasted by the bold Joy. Beautiful.

  175. Love your card! Joy comes from giving a handmade gift to someone and they truly appreciate that it was handmade.

  176. We should find joy everyday. Your card is beautiful.

  177. Gorgeous card!
    My kids bring me joy 💗

  178. I work at Scrapmania, a local store in Cedar Rapids, working with customers and introducing the products to costumers and seeing the things that they make with them brings me joy! Crafting with friends also brings me lots of joy.

  179. Spending time with family & friends and stamping are two things that give me joy!

  180. I find joy when my friends and family are well and when I feel God's blessings in my life.

  181. Beautiful wreath and word. Thanks for sharing.

    Linda D.

  182. Having the time and space to create brings me joy.

  183. It really brings me joy to stamp and to use my Misti, wich I call my most recent best friend!

  184. JOY comes from my faith, family, and friends (in that order).


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