
Wednesday, March 23, 2016

My Little Petunia's Birthday Giveaway

Happy Birthday to my sweet little petunia.   This beauty turns 11 today.  How time has passed.  This little girl has the sweetest heart I know.  I am not just saying this because I am her mother.  I am saying this because she just is and if you met her, you would agree.

She has so much love in her, my heart soars knowing that God has blessed me with a little piece of Him in her.  Knowing how much I love her reminds me of how much God loves me.

So today we have a birthday giveaway.  We have the last Young at Heart Stamp of Approval collection there is.  I snagged this box of goodies when there were only two left.  I have been saving it for this since the theme was birthday. The next Stamp of Approval is set for April 20th.

If you missed this collection,  here is a chance to win it.  Just leave my sweet little petunia a birthday message for her to read and let her know what you liked to play with at her age.  I will let her pick the winner.

Giveaway ends at midnight on March 26, 2016.

Photos are by Nicolinger Photography.


  1. Happy Birthday sweet little Petunia! Have a lovely carefree, happy day! i don't really have many childhood memories so I don't know what I would have played with at your age but I am making up for it now by playing with my craft stash! My favourite toy is of course, my MistI which was my big treat to myself last year! Enjoy your day and make lots of happy memories to stay in your heart forever! xxx

  2. Happy birthday to your sweet little Petunia.
    Rene from OZ xo

  3. I want to wish you a Happy Birthday and may all your wishes & dreams come true. It has been a long time since I was 11, but me and my friends used to like to walk to our school and play on the swings & monkey bars. I rode my bike all over and being a tom-boy I used to go fishing and played softball. We didn't have video games or computers when I was 11, so we played a lot of board & card games and watched TV with my family on rainy days and at night.

  4. Happy Birthday, "Petunia"! I hope it is full of sweet memories of hugs, laughter, and fun surprises! At your age, my favorite plaything was my Pony!...with him I was a cowgirl, an Indian, a soldier, a rodeo trick rider and even the Lone Ranger! What adventures we had in a two acre pasture! :)

  5. Happy Birthday to a beautiful carefree girl

  6. Wishing you the HAPPIEST of birthdays!!!
    Eleven is a WONDERFUL age, we have three turning eleven in our family this year, one last week, one tomorrow and one on the 31st ... March is a HAPPY Month :)
    Stretching my memory back to when I was eleven is a challenge, we didn't have electronic games back in those days. Life on the dairy farm was good, most of the time I would be outside playing chasey (tag) with my sister and brothers, we would dig holes in the driveway to play marbles, swim in the channel and ride our bikes but best of all was inside with my very own typewriter ... I wanted to be a writer. Alas, the only writing I do these days is writing inside cards to send family and friends all over the world.
    THANK YOU for sharing your special day with us and for the chance to win!!!

  7. Iliana, Am I really the first to comment? How unusual! It's unusual because I can "see" how sweet your petunia here is and I feel she deserves as many birthday greetings and blessings as your website can HANDLE! Happy Birthday to her! Iliana, is her name "Petunia"? To Little Miss Petunia, follow Jesus continually, serve Him well, and He will guide you forever even in the hardest time of your life! He loves you even more than your parents or I! Many, many blessings to you!!!

  8. Wishing you the happiest of birthdays! What did I like to do when I was your age? Play jacks! Read, read, read! I have very fond memories of 11. I will celebrate my birthday on May 13th. Stop by and wish me a happy one too!

  9. Happy, happy birthday to the sweet little Petunia. Enjoy your day, and may God bless you. You are very lucky to have a talented and entrepreneurial mom.

  10. Happy Bithday! One of my favorite things to play was jacks.

  11. Happy Birthday to a sweet little girl. When I was your age, I enjoyed riding my bike and of course, playing with my Barbie doll. Have a wonderful birthday!

  12. Happy birthday! When I was 11 I enjoyed making crafts with my mother and taking care of my dogs. I also loved to read. Sometimes my friends and I would lay on the grass and watch the clouds! Enjoy your special day!

  13. Hello Iliana. I left a previous birthday message to your little petunia and am surprised it isn't showing here. I really do hope it shows up sometime and somehow. I don't know what I did incorrectly. Well, here's a second message because I forgot to respond to your instructions about what we liked to play at your petunia's age. When I was her age, I remember playing "house," "store," and "school" with my siblings. I am the oldest of 11, so we had plenty of "bodies" (lol) to "play" with. Blessings to your little petunia!!! She's a really pretty little girl and will go far with her loving personality.

  14. Wishing you the most wonderful Birthday!!! I don't really remember what I was doing at age 11, but whatever craft my Grandma was doing at the time, I know I was following right behind her, as well as always hanging with my friends, I was very active in youth group at church. Whatever it is you choose to do, just enjoy each day and its endless possibilities and make sure it always includes friends. Happy Birthday

  15. "Those who bring sunshine to the lives of others, cannot hide it from themselves." It sounds like you are this kind of gal! I am also blessed with one of those, and she turns 24 next Monday! May your birthday be simply the best ever! When I was your age, I loved to jump on the pogo stick, and challenge my brothers, to see who could win. We could all jump several hundred times before we fell off so it was a long challenge.

  16. Happy 11th Birthday to your daughter! Lovely pictures and wonderful thoughts on her by a faithful mother. Those sentences about your realization that she is God's gift to you are so important. Happy Easter!

  17. Happy Birth Day, Sweet Girl! May God continue to bless you during the coming year. My favorite present this time of year at age 11 would have been a brand new jump rope with wood handles! Sure made recess more fun! Peggy P White Bear Lake, MN (snow predicted today)

  18. Happy Birthday My Sweet Petunia. I know that you will have a Wonderful Day and yes God has truly blessed you and your family .. I am sure that your day will be filled with lots of Love and Sunshine and of course Special Presents for a Very Special Girl... When I was your age I still enjoyed playing with my Dolls and also I used to like to play school with them all with me being the Teacher :) Enjoy your 11th. Birthday today .

  19. Happy Birthday Little Petunia! When I was your age, I loved being outside playing 'tag' with my friends, learning to whistle, and doing crafty projects with my mom. Thinking about this brings back great memories!
    Enjoy your special day....

  20. Happy birthday to your sweet little petunia! I liked to play with Barbie dolls!

  21. Happy Birthday,
    Your Mom has a very enduring name for you. The first burst of Spring color. My very best to you. When I was 11 all the rage was for girls to have a 3 year old doll. Sounds rather funny now, but then it was the item most sought after. They were the actual size of a 3 year old. Dressing up and playing house were the got to activities for girls in my age bracket. My daughter very much liked to dress up in various characters when she was 11 - loved the imagination of the costumes she would come up with. May your imagination soar with the angels today and every day. This is the age when girls can become anything they desire - go for it Sweet Petunia and have a wonderful birthday too! May you never outgrow your desire to learn more.

  22. Wishing you a very happy birthday. 11 is a great age to be as you get to have a bit more responsibility and freedom. I was allowed to go off for bike rides by now and loved the freedom.

  23. Happy birthday to you! Make sure you enjoy the day to the fullest! When I was 11 my favorite thing was to go and play at the park with my best friend. Or play with my Betty Crocker easy bake oven.

  24. Happy birthday little Miss Petunia! I hope your day is perfect all day long and you get to do your favorite fun things. May God bless you and keep you and may He help you grow into a wonderful woman that you are destined to be. (With your parents help, of course!) Now, my piece of advise that I always give my grandkids, no boys until you are 30!!!

  25. I just sent a forward email talking about friends that have outlasted time and how few make it. One of the old friends responded she spent the day yesterday relating to her 13 year old granddaughter the many adventures we had at her age and beyond now to our 60s. So many birthdays. Just tell your precious daughter if she can gather five girlfriends who will stick with her through her life and will be there in some form through every birthday, she will have something that will outlast time. Presents just won't do it. Good girlfriends will. Happy birthday, sweet girl. May you have many, many more. Put your Lord above all and you'll never go wrong. Myra from Florida

  26. Happy birthday 🎂 she is so pretty and I wish her a great birthday with lots of happiness and joy.
    Thank you for the chance to win 💗

  27. Happy happy birthday! Hope you have a fabulous day!

  28. Happy birthday mini petunia! May this year and the rest of your life fill you and those around you with joy!

  29. Happy brithday! I hope you have a wonderful day

  30. I call my one and only girl Buttercup. We wish your little petunia a wonderful day full of love and laughter. I remember I loved playing with my Spirograph at her age.

  31. Happy birthday to a beautiful young lady. Hope you have a wonderful day!

  32. Happy 11th Birthday! I remember 11 being a fun age. I still played with dolls when I was 11 even though most of my friends didn't. They thought they were "too old" for dolls. I have always felt it is important to stay true to yourself - do what you love to do! Have a wonderfully blessed birthday! ��

  33. Oh boy at this age, I am pretty sure I was wanting to do everything that my older sisters were doing. Make-up and boys, (but wasn't allowed until I was 16)! Give her a big birthday hug because that little girl stage
    will soon be gone. She is beautiful!

  34. What a lovely, lovely way to celebrate. Well, when I was this young Ms.' age, I played "school". Lol Yes, I was the teacher and my young brother was the student. I loved (love) drawing and reading so it fit with my imagination. Thank you so much for this opportunity and best wishes for all your dreams to come true.

  35. Happy birthday! Eleven is a fabulous age. I loved riding my bike, playing with my Barbie, and spending time with my best friend. I also enjoyed marathon games of monopoly, playing twister and attempting to hoola hoop. This is also when I started helping my mother to cook. I still enjoy the creativity and the feeling of accomplishment that I receive from cooking. I hope that your eleventh year is full of new experiences, the excitement of learning new things and the joy of creativity.

  36. May you have a very Happy Birthday. Your Momma is blessed to have a Sweet Little Petunia as you. I have a daughter also she blessed me with two amazing boys that I love dearly.

  37. Beautiful Little Sweet Petunia, God has given you such a sweet heart so that you may shine a light in many hearts on your journey through this life. Be so thankful that he is a big part of you. I loved to play with paper dolls at age 11. I could entertain myself for a big part of the day. Loved to draw, color and cut out my own designs for their clothes. Have a blessed Birthday.

  38. Sweet sweet Petunia. Today is the 1st day of the rest of your life. And may your life be full of creativity. Do what you love and you will be happy every day. Best wishes!

  39. Happy Birthday, Dear sweet girl!!! May your day be filled, with all FUN stuff, and be remembered always!!! Hugs

  40. Happy birthday, sweet little Petunia! When I was 11, I loved to play outside the most, but I also liked playing board games. Monopoly was my favorite.

  41. Hello Little Petunia!!! Happy birthday, I hope you have a fantastic day. At your age I was always "making something". I made a loom out of a cigar box and some thread and was bead weaving. I loved to color, and I was learning to sew. It was so much fun!!

  42. Oh my, she's a darling! Happiest of birthdays to her! I think I was into reading Goosebump books by that time! lol

  43. Happy birthday and may each year bring you happiness, love, and laughter. At your age I loved reading--as many books as I could my hands on. Enjoy your special day.

    isabelzito at verizon dot net

  44. I am thrilled to wish you the Happiest of Birthdays Sweet Petunia! I have two little girls of my own, although at 12 and 13, they aren't that little. We love our Misti tools!

  45. Happy birthday, Sweet Petunia! You're beautiful and the photos are great! I hope you can stay young and happy at heart always.

    I can't remember what I played with at your age to be honest-we never really had toys growing up. I've always been crafty and I think this was right about when I started playing with calligraphy markers. You've got lots to look forward to-especially with your mother's success with the MISTI! You obviously inspire her and I hope you can inspire others as well. Best wishes to you!

  46. Happy Birthday to Petunia, have a fun filled day, one of my favourite things to play with was a little telephone switchboard, it was bright Red and had plugs to connect the calls and a dial pad.... I loved chatting away to no one in particular and pretending to be a secretary. This has brought back some fond memories for me and hope you get to remember all the wonderful things you play with ☎︎

  47. A very Happy Birthday to you. You grow up way too fast. Have a great day!

  48. Happy birthday big girl. Your mother is so blessed to have such a sweet girl. God bless you on your birthday! When I was your age I was learning to knit. Neighbor girls taught me during the summer I was 11. To this day I still knit. Am making cards and afghans for family and friends. Two of my favorite things.

  49. May you have a birthday as sweet as you are and enjoy every minute of it!!!! Pam

  50. Happy Birthday to you from me and from my "Bunny" Charlotte who is 10! Remember that you will always be your mama's little baby girl. May you have many fun adventures together. Hugs, Jen & Charlotte

  51. Happy Birthday to your beautiful daughter! Mine is 13 and the time sure goes by way too fast! I totally agree with you though about how the blessing of being able to raise a child is the most generous and gracious gift of God's love. He trusts and loves us so much that we get to raise his children, it's absolutely amazing! When I was your daughter's age I was playing with arts, crafts, Pound Puppies, and Cabbage Patch Dolls. That was when the craze for them was huge! I treated those puppies and dolls like they were real! I guess God was preparing me even back then to be a Mom and animal rescuer :) Many blessings to your daughter today and always! May she have one of the most joyous and blessed birthdays!

  52. Have a wonderful birthday, sweet Petunia! Hope you get to do everything you want to do, even if it's for just one glorious day (because who can do everything they want to do every day?). Let's time travel back to when I was eleven. I was in the fifth grade. Is that the grade you're in now? We can play jacks on the floor near the kitchen back door (I'll teach you how), and if it's a warm spring day, we can read together in a hammock in the backyard--Betsy, Tacy and Tibs, Henry Huggins, and Magic By the Lake. We can ride our bikes around the neighborhood, up to the shopping center, and, since it's your birthday, I'll treat you to a sundae at Jahn's (I'm saving my allowance). By then it will be time to time travel back to 2016 and your own happy birthday. Have a terrific one (after all, you're only eleven once!!).

  53. Have a very happy birthday, today! When I was 11 I loved to read and ride my bike.

  54. Happy 11th birthday beautiful girl! I hope you have a fun, sunshiny day :) I loved reading about how your sweet, caring heart is such a blessing to your mom and others. That is such a wonderful quality to have and I know you will continue to bless many more people as you grow. I don't have any kids yet, but I hope I have a sweet little girl like you someday soon! When I was 11 (back in 2001), I liked to draw and color, jump on the trampoline, and my favorite "toy" was my rollerblades. But most of all I LOVED the Backstreet Boys! I had their CDs, posters, shirts, and more. You might know who they are, but if not you could look them up :) Enjoy your day!!

  55. Happy birthday dear, sweet Petunia! 11!! What a wonderful age. Getting so grown up, but still young enough to be silly, playful and adventurous! I grew up in the suburbs outside NYC, and on my little street, there were many, many children around my age. One day we'd have pogo stick contests, the next, we'd play kickball, badminton, roller skate, anything outdoors! Enjoy every minute!

  56. Happy birthday, sweet little petunia! When I was 11, I used to dance like a ballerina everywhere I went. If I was in the grocery store, I danced around the shopping cart. If I was outside, I would dance around the trees. I would dance, picking daffodils in the spring! Those were wonderful memories for me. You look like a beautiful ballerina to me! Hoping you make some wonderful memories this year. Happy birthday, sweetie!

  57. Happy Birthday Petunia! What I remember most about being 11, my Grandmother was teaching me to crochet and I loved to read. I had a boy so there wasn't much crafting to teach him. He was an outside kinda guy. Now I have a granddaughter and I hope when she is 11 I can do crafts with her.

  58. Wishing you a very Happy Birthday. May today be filled lots of fun and laughter. I hope you get to eat and do all your favorite things today. When I was 11, I played hopscotch, jump rope, (do you double dutch?), we played with bottle caps and tag. I loved being outside all the time. Blowing birthday kisses to you!!!

  59. Happy Birthday sweet little Petunia! Buon Compleanno dolce piccola Petunia (translated in Italian language). I liked to play at her age with Barbies with my friends. I've got all my Barbies right now in a good conditions and I love remember those beautiful moments when I come back to my parents' house. I loved so much draw and colouring and this is one of my favourite hobby right now! I wish you all the best dear Petunia! I hope people like you can do of this world a better place where living. Hugs from Italy!

  60. Happy Birthday to a very pretty young lady. These pictures are lovely and your mother's description of how you are, are a testament to how you are, but most importantly is WHO you are, and with God in your heart, you KNOW who you are a child of the living God and have been blessed by Him to show others who HE is. Stay sweet, obey God and do your very best to reflect His love for others. When I was your age I used to roller skate at the local roller rink and I loved to hang around with my friends. Enjoy every moment of your life and always keep God as #1. God bless you. Your parents definitely have been blessed! HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!

  61. Happy Birthday "Petunia"! Wishing you the BEST birthday yet!
    When I was your age my best friend and I were obsessed with starting a crafting club! That's ALL we wanted to do! LOL Have a fantastic birthday!

  62. Happy Birthday!!! Hope its a great day. When I was your age one of my favorite things to do was jump rope and ride my bike. I would spend hours riding through the neighborhood and when I wasn't riding my bike I was having out in the front yard jumping rope.

  63. Happy Birthday darling girl. I remember 11 being such a fun age. One of my favourite things to do? I loved it when it was raining on a warm day. I would put on my bathing suit and go play in the puddles. Swimming pools were unheard of in my neighbourhood but we did have a lovely gurgling creek at the end of the road and every kid used to gather there. The boys built a raft and a treehouse. They tied a long rope very high up in a tree and used to swing out over the water. I don't remember any girls being daring enough to try it though. I do remember being brave enough to put a worm on a hook but don't remember ever catching any fish. I have wonderful memories of growing up and I hope you will too. Much love from me to you.

  64. Happy birthday, sweet Little Petunia. At 11 years of age, you're on your way to becoming a young adult but aren't quite ready to give up your childhood. I remember reading ALOT at this age (probably more mature books than I should have) and I also asking (and receiving) a Creepy Crawler kit or a gift. (It was a hotplate that Mattel made... you squirted a special goop onto and created all kinds of rubbery bugs.) Thanks for the reminding me of being 11.

  65. Happy Birthday Sweet Little Petunia! Eleven is such a wonderful age! When I was 11 I lived in a small town so my friends and I loved to ride our bikes to the park and play on the swings and play in the baseball dugouts. We would look for empty glass pop bottles and return them to the store for money and we would buy penny candy. It was such a fun age. I wish you a birthday full of happy surprises and a year full of fun and joy!

  66. Hope you have a Wonderful Birthday !! I grew up with 3 other siblings, and because of that I always had someone to play with. We used to ride our bikes together, and played flashlight tag at night. I was so blessed to have a Brother and 2 Sisters to play with. We would catch lightening bugs at night and let them go before we went in for the night. We had a furniture store close to where we lived, and we used to get the big boxes they threw away, and we made forts out of them. We had walkie-talkies and we could communicate back and fort with each other. Our childhood was just on fun game after another. I hope you are doing something special with your Mother for your Birthday ! It sounds like she is a VERY SPECIAL LADY, and she loves you VERY much !

  67. Happy Birthday little Petunia! I hope you have a joyous day!

  68. Happy Birthday!! I loved riding horses more than anything. I also played with my 2 brothers-I have no sisters-and we played outside a lot. We played baseball, football and just messing around. I hope you have a great day. Do what you love and love what you do.

  69. Happy Birthday! When I was 11, I loved to read and play outside with the neighborhood kids, but my very favorite thing to play with was my Barbie doll. I had a lot of Barbie clothes and I could spend hours dressing her and pretending what awesome adventures she was having. Enjoy your childhood. It will be gone all too soon. I hope you make memories that you will cherish always. Happy Birthday Sweet Petunia!

  70. Roller Skates!!!! I loved to Roller Skate, for hours and hours and hours.
    With age, memories glob together and only the really good ones remain and yes sad to say some bad ones, here's hoping, and with a Mother as thoughtful and loving as yours, that you add up all the good memories and they reach all the way to the moon and back. Along the way, remember to give others good memories as well.
    Happy Birthday to you, Happy Birthday to you, Happy Birthday Sweet Petunia, Happy Birthday to YOU! Did you hear me singing? I hope you hear the words and not the awful! Have a Super Great Day!

  71. Happy Birthday Little Petunia! Oh gosh, when I was your age, I loved reading the Happy Hollister Collection of books. They were mystery books and the family was the Hollister's. They had 5 children and they solved mysteries. Love, love, love those books! I also had a chemistry set that had a microscope and slides to look at. I made my own slides as well. I got pond water to look at all the "critters" that are in the water, I looked at my own blood, skin from the inside of my mouth, Kleenex, anything I could get my hands on I was looking at under the microscope. It was amazing at what things looked like up close and personal! Happy Birthday again, I hope you have a wonderful day with your family and friends!!! Hugs, Brenda

  72. What a doll! Happy Birthday, Sweet Petunia!!! Trying to remember exactly what I liked to play with at that age is digging deep into the memory banks :-D I was never a "girly girl". I played softball, climbed trees, etc. At 11, I was BIG into my fast pitch softball league. My younger brother played baseball, so it became a family event. We'd go out and throw and hit and just have fun with it. When not playing ball, I loved water skiing and swimming. I had dolls, but seemed to have more fun playing with my brother (even if that meant with his action figures).

    Hope your day is full of YOUR kind of fun, lots of love, and plenty of good birthday food. May it be a blessed one ♥

  73. Happy Birthday I hope it is a great day for you. At your age I was a Tom boy playing baseball, driving a go cart in the yard. Messing up mom's yard hee hee.

  74. Happy birthday to you Petunia. You are such a beautiful young lady! I hope your birthday is a fun celebration for you. I know when I was 11 one of my favorite things to to was to play with paper dolls. I designed clothes for them and I had a set of colored pencils that allowed me to make her gowns and outfits in all sorts of fun colors. My sister first started doing that with her dolls and so I had to do the same thing as my older sister did. We had fun too!

  75. Happy Birthday to you sweet Petunia she is a beautiful young lady and reminds me of my granddaughter who will be 11 this year also♥ What fun it is to experience things through their eyes, enjoy all the years that you have and hug & tell her you love her every day♥

  76. Happy Birthday little petunia. Your world is far different than mine was. I am amazed at how intelligent today's teens are with ideas and ideals that exceed any I thought of at that age. At eleven you have the best of both worlds too young to be burdened and still able to be a child without ridicule. Enjoy your toys like dolls and paper dolls (my favorites) and develop your talents Singing,dancing,sports, drawing whatever they may be but enjoy your moments. Especially those with your family and friends. You are making the memories of a lifetime.

  77. Happy 11th Birthday Sweet Petunia!

    When I was your age, I LOVED playing with my Barbie Beauty Center Styling Doll Head. (

    I also loved playing outside with the neighbor kids. We always could be found in the backyard playing kick ball or baseball.....those were the days!

    I hope you have many, many, MANY more happy birthday, dear one!

  78. Happy Birthday! When I was 11, I was still playing with dolls but also enjoyed playing tag, kickball and wiffle ball with the neignborhood kids. I was lucky to have lots of kids in my neighborhood who were around my age and who liked the same things I liked. I hope you have a great birthday! Pop on over to my blog ( to see a card for you!

  79. We had a tea party on the front porch on the farm. We also made dolls from holly hocks. Petunia hope you can do something special so you will sweet memories too. You are very special. Enjoy the simple things in life.

  80. Have a very Happy Birthday sweet petunia.

  81. Happy Happy Birthday!!!! May the year bring you much love, happiness and many good times!

  82. Happiest Birthday to your sweet petunia! What an exciting time for a young lady!
    At 11 ... I still loved 'pretending' ... and it's still 'free' to do any time, anywhere! ;) My favorite toy was my hula hoop. Can you imagine the fun of having a few friends over for a hula hoop contest?! Hope your birthday is your best one yet!
    ((hugs)) from Texas!

  83. Happy Birthday to a sweet girl! Your mother sure does love you and makes us all want to meet you.

  84. Happy 11th Birthday! 11 was a good birthday as I look back on it! I was no longer a little kid, but I didn't have the pressures yet of being a teenager - though I wanted to be! Enjoy this year and the love of your family - especially that creative mom of your - and friends! These are the best days of your life when you live each day in the present! Each day is a gift from the Lord! That's why it's called the "present"!

  85. U r one of rare crafter that has given such a unique name.petunia may god bless you. Ur mother has done a very wisely thing. She has given u ur biggest gift on ur eleventh birthday. U r going to receive many blessings from all elders the world around. Catch all the blessing and lock them in ur heart. Many happy returns of the day

  86. Happy birthday sweet little petunia!! Celebrate this day as you are on the edge of the teenage years with special times and memories you won't every forget. When I was your age I lived on a farm and I enjoyed the wonder of nature and new birth in everything. the animals, mother nature and being on the brink of adulthood. Enjoy your birthday and the memories you create. Barbara Woodard

  87. Happy Birthday "Sweet Petunia".! Hope you have the grandest of grandest day! Fill the day with laughter and love!
    Gosh! When I was your age, my Barbie Dolls was my favorite toy ever!!! Had the twin home, bus, pool and cars. I had to play ever day. But my outside time was bike ridding, playing with my cousins, and playing with Jacks. Loved being outside with friends and family. Have a awesome day 🎈🎉

  88. Happy birthday Little Petunia! I'm happy God saw fit to let her belong to you, Iliana. The love you and your husband show her each day makes such a difference in her life. I love the pictures you have to mark this special occasion! Thank you so much for the chance to win your giveaway.

  89. Happy birthday little petunia may your day be bright and happy

  90. Happy Birthday to you, Happy Birthday to you, Happy Birthday Sweet LIttle Petunia, Happy Birthday to you!!!! From your picture I would say you are a Sweet Young Lady Petunia....only Moms think in terms of 'my sweet little Petunia - even if it is a nickname. Just so you know, that will NEVER change as you are so special in your Moms heart and always will be! When I was 11 my bike was my best friend and we rode all over the neighborhood. I loved to watch and play with our new litter of kittens, climb an old misshapen tree in a nearby field and pretend and dream. My favorite thing to do was SWIM. My parents owned a hotel coffee shop on Miami Beach, FL so every summer my days were spent in the pool or across the street at the beach. I hope your days, both winter and summer, are filled with FUN and great memories!
    Birthday Hugs,

  91. Happy Birthday! Hope you have a fabulous day!

  92. Happy birthday little Petunia, I wish you much love and many blessings in the coming year! When I was your age, I loved to do macrame, which seems to be making a comeback now. My mom had more plant holders and belts and bracelets than anyone in the neighborhood. Hope you enjoy your day with the ones you love!

  93. Happy 11th Birthday sweet little petunia. May God shower you with His abundant blessings today and everyday. I have two precious daughters and I thank Him every day for them as I know your mom is thanking Him for the blessing of you. At your age I was playing "kick the can"...that was 67 years ago! Happy birthday sweetheart.

  94. Happy Birthday to you, Happy Birthday to you, Happy Birthday Young Lady, Happy Birthday to you! Hope your day is great and filled with the love of family and friends. When I was your age, the world was a kinder place and as a kid we played outside when ever we had the chance. Hopscotch, swinging and skating, jump rope and riding bikes was always fun. But on rainy days, board games were fun as was jacks. Take your time growing up but know that the best is yet to come. Bless you on your birthday.

  95. Sending birthday wishes to Miss Petunia. My favorite summer flower. The summer I turned eleven we had a horse named Thunder. He loved to run and if he got the bit in his teeth I was a goner. Up the fields till he got to some old apple trees and he would try to brush me off. He went under the branches and if I didn't hang on right I was on the ground.He would just look at me with those big brown eyes. That was a wonderful summer. Hope you have a great one too.

  96. Happy Birthday!!! I hope you have a wonderful day!! My birthday is this Friday I will be 60!! I lived in a small area so all the children had to play together in order to have lots of fun. We played regular baseball, basketball, war, tarzan, hide and seek, red rover, tag, hop scotch, marbles,build forts, barbies had just been introduced a few yrs prior so even the boys had to play using our ken dolls, but I have to say my favorite thing to do was during the summer evenings catch a jar of lightening bugs and later let them go!!!

  97. Happy Birthday! When I was your age I received my fist new bike (not a hand me down bike from my brother). I loved the freedom that bike brought me... to ride around my neighborhood or into town to the candy store with my girlfriends. I hope your day is filled with wonderful blessing and the people you love the most.

  98. Happy Birthday to your little angel!!

  99. Happy Birthday Petunia! I hope you have a great day ... that's such a pretty dress you're wearing.
    Age 11, which was over 37 years ago (!) I loved to play on my bike or to colour. But my favourite thing to play with was my little sister who was only 4 at the time!

  100. Happy 11th Birthday pretty little Petunia !!!! Look on the positive each day, even when things look gloomy or sad. This and with God's help,will make you a Happy person throughout your life.
    Now going back when there were only 3 TV stations, and they only came in when the weather was good, the things that I did when I was a girl may surprise you. We had 2 acres of land next to a small lake, and there was a small forest next to it. My 5 friends used to pretend that we were pioneers, moving from the east coast of the United States, to Indiana. Kind of like Laura Ingles (Little house on the Prairie. We would pack-up our lunches in big bandannas (big squares of fabric), get our dad's old army mess kits and canteens and we would hike into the woods. The only thing my mom used to worry about was if we came home with ticks, as most of the time we left without our hats. Now all that is by my old house from 50 years ago, is a HUGE neighborhood of houses. All the trees are gone, and the small lake looks even smaller now, with so many houses. Have a WONDERFUL BIRTHDAY !!! EAT CAKE and ICE CREAM if you like, and SKIP on into your next year of Life with LOVE in your Heart !!!! Blessings to you and your family.

  101. Happy Birthday beautiful girl!! Spring seems like such a nice time of year to celebrate a birthday. I hope the weather is warming up where you are and that you're able to enjoy the great outdoors! When I was 11, I admit that I was a bookworm. My favorite thing was to sneak away to my secret spot for hours with my nose in a book. :)

  102. Happy birthday sweet little Petunia, sending lots of hugs! When I was 11 I really enjoyed being outside, riding my bike, roller skating or even walking my dogs, anything to enjoy the outdoors. I hope you have a fabulous birthday!

  103. Hello and happy birthday my dear! I have a granddaughter your age and she loves to play with Legos. I think her brothers have influenced this choice however, since they build little motorized custom designs.
    Now when I was your age, for me it was horses, horses, and more horses! I was obsessed with horses, and so was my closest sister. We loved to run and play in the yard, and pretend we were beautiful, powerful horses. My love for them never ended, and as an adult we had real horses. Now my daughter has them too, so they still are part of our family.

  104. TANTI AUGURI DI BUON COMPLEANNO!! Happy Birthday from Italy! ^_^
    When I was 11 I spent the all day reading and drawing.
    ...I didn't change too much in the last 30 years!! :D

  105. Happy Birthday to you pretty girl! May your day be filled with lots of birthday blessings!

  106. Happy 11th Birthday to a special girl. I hope you have an awesome day filled with fun and surprises. When I was your age I was a book worm, I loved to read books....still do! When I had spare time I liked to play Barbies. Now that I have grandchildren your age, I get to play Barbie's with them.

  107. Birthday Blessings to you, Sweet Little Petunia. I really had to pause and think back to when I was eleven. You see, that was a long time ago! But it hit me that I got an early start in crafting. At eleven I belonged to a "Service Club" at school. Some of our projects were visiting the elderly in nursing homes. Many of our visits involved sitting with them and creating craft projects together. They treasured the projects we made and proudly displayed them in their rooms. Fast forward tomany years later, I still love to create by making handmade cards. I send some to friends and family, and donate many to charitable causes. I truly hope you always live life doing what you love to do.

  108. Happy 11th Birthday! I hope she has an awesome day filled with lots of fun and memories.

  109. Happy 11th Birthday to a special girl. I hope you have a day as special as you must be, with lots of fun and surprises. When I was 11 years old I loved to read books and play with Barbies.
    I am lucky because I still enjoy reading and when my grand daughters come to visit, I still get to play Barbies!

  110. Happy birthday little petunia, a flower off the old blossum! when i was your age i played archery in the summer mornings then rode my bike in the afternoon and we played whiffle ball or kickball into the evening hours. i was a tomboy so if i wasn't doing that i was hanging upside down ftom a tree or climbing one. have a great day and make time for fun and fellowship.

  111. Wishing you the merriest of birthdays young lady, I hope you get all that you wish for and more!

    When I was your age, I enjoyed playing with my little pony and barbies as well as going swimming! And I still have all my barbies and ponies :)

  112. Happy Happy Birthday, we almost share since mine is on Saturday. She has another 62 years to catch up to me. At her age I was learning to twirl a baton to become a majorette. I would practice every day to learn to throw it in the air, turn around twice, and, hopefully, catch it. Enjoy your birthday and Easter as well.

  113. HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!! I hope your day is filled with everything wonderful and CAKE....LOTSA yummy cake! :D

    Beautiful little girl Iliana! HAPPY BIRTHDAY to you both!! :D after all...I always feel it's a Mom's special day too! :D

  114. Happy, Happy Birthday! Eleven is a great year to be, so enjoy this day to the fullest, and may you have an awesome year.

  115. Happy birthday 11th birthday! You look beautiful in the pictures that your mother has posted. I hope you have a fun and blessed day. When I was your age I used to read Nancy Drew novels while swinging on the swing set. I remember waiting anxiously at the mail box for each new book.

  116. Happy Birthday!
    When I was your age I liked to play outside with my friends.

  117. Happy birthday sweetheart,l hope you have a beautiful day and a awesome birthday.

  118. Happy Birthday sweet girl. At 11 I was still playing with dolls. My favorite doll was a Jenny doll. She was pre Barbie and she was shorter and had a realistic body, more on the lines of "Gidget". I also loved to play nurse and that is what I became. Enjoy your birthday.

  119. Sending a very special "Happy Birthday", to 11 year old sweet little petunia!
    At eleven years old I think I enjoyed reading and still played with my Barbie dolls (I think!).
    You truly look like such a sweet girl, stay close to God and you won't go wrong!

  120. Happy Birthday Sweet little Petunia! I hope you have a lovely Birthday! My own little Petunia is now an adult--and lives far away from me. Enjoy your time with your Mom, every minute of it!

  121. Wishing you a blessed birthday. How proud you must feel having a very popular product named after you that your mom created. Sweet Petunia is all the buzz in the paper craft world.

  122. Happy Birthday to your sweet young daughter. She is growing into a beautiful young lady. Our granddaughter is going to be 10 in October, so they are close in age! I played with the funnies and other magazines and created my own "scrapbook" using these items. My aunt sent me my first Scrapbook and I just laughed when I looked through it. Lots of Cathy cartoons, a variety of actors/actresses, just to mention a few. I wish your daughter many happy moments to dance in the rain and just be happy!

  123. Happy birthday to a very special girl on her 11th birthday! Based on your mom's blog post and images shared on her site, it is obvious she loves you immensely. As a mother of six - ranging from 26 to 4 - I know how time flies. Enjoy this wonderful time with your mom. Have an awesome year filled with love, friendship, and adventure, sweet petunia!

  124. Happy Birthday to a very pretty and sweet little petunia! Hope you have a blessed day filled with love and wonder.

  125. HAPPY BIRTHDAY Petunia. i'm 66 yrs old and when i was a little girl, my step-mum called me petunia. What a sweet name!

  126. Wishing you a very HAPPY BIRTHDAY filled with all the things that make you smile!

  127. Oh my, they sure do grow up fast. Happy Birthday little one. When I was your age I loved everything outdoors. Playing games, riding my bike,& playing in the mountain's of WV. Enjoy you day. Sure hope you enjoy stamping w/ your mom :) Wilda, MI

  128. Happy Happy Happy Birthday! I hope many blessing come to you in the coming year. You are strong, you are loved, you are beautiful!

    Katy M

  129. Happy Birthday to such a lovely young girl. When I was your age Barbie was my favorite. I loved to act out that I was a Mom and Skipper was my Daughter and Dawn was the youngest.I used tissue boxes as beds and made couches out of them for my dolls. Have A Blessed Day as you celebrate such an important day.

  130. Happy Birthday Sweet Heart.... When I was a girl your age I liked to play hide and go seek with the other children in our neighborhood. Sometimes there were eight or nine of us and since we lived in the country we would sometimes play until almost 11 pm at night.

  131. Happy Birthday Sweet Heart... When I was a girl your age I liked to play hide and go seek with other children in our neighbor hood. Since we lived in the country we would some times play until 11pm at night.

  132. My sister Amy and I loved to cut up catalogs and make paper dolls out of them. We would design their livingrooms and everything. I was 11 when I discovered chuech camp. What a wonderful week! Celebrating God's wonders and new friends. I hope youryear is full of blessed, wonderful memories.

  133. Well back in the day I thought I was getting too big for dolls so I told my mom just to get me a stuffed animal, but when I saw my sisters got dolls ,I cried, I guess at 11 I wasn't that grown up at all, I never forgot, I know my mom felt bad for me to, a lesson in life well leaned!!!

  134. Happy happy birthday my fellow Aries !! It's my birthday Friday. When I was young I'd love to pretend to be an art teacher and makes projects for my " doll students" I also loved to play with my kitties. I hope your birthday is fabulous !!! Enjoy your day and have some wonderful kid time with family and friends!!!! - carrie

  135. Happy 11th Birthday Jaydyn! At 11, I liked making paper dolls, playing with stamps (around that age my parents purchased me my very first stamp set while on a trip outside the country, as at that time there were no stamps in Macedonia), playing pretend and with Barbie dolls with my BFF. And thank you for the chance to win this kit. After I watched your video, I really wanted it (but was sold out).

  136. Happy birthday sweet Petunia. Your mom and my son have the same birthday (a few years apart) so I know what a loving mom she must be. I played jacks and hide and seek at 11. Have a blessed day.

  137. Happy 11th Birthday! What a wonderful age to be...not a child anymore but not yet a teen. Enjoy this year & all the changes that come about. Cherish every moment & always, always try to look at the positive side of things. Kids are under so much pressure nowadays...just remember to be true to yourself always.

  138. Happy 11th Birthday Sweet Petunia ~ May your 11th birthday be your best yet and filled with fun, laughter and many wonderful surprises!! Back in the "olden days" when I was 11, we used to ride our bikes or swim for hours upon hours when the weather was warm. We played outside year round and really only went inside when our Mom called us (I have 7 brothers and sisters so there was always someone to play with!!). Even in the winter we'd be outside for hours at a time. Fort building, sleigh riding or ice skating were ways we had fun when the weather turned cold.
    May all your birthday dreams come true on your very special day and many special blessings all year through. ~HUGS~

  139. Happy 11th Birthday, Sweet Little Petunia! At your age my girlfriend and I made our own paper dolls, and had fun designing clothes for them. I also remember roller skating with clamp-on skates at school with kids at recess. I'm 76, so that makes me OLD, but now I love making cards to send to my grandchildren and friends. Have fun celebrating your birthday! Blessings to you!

  140. Happy birthday! Your mom is right, you sweetness shows. When I was your age, I loved going to the farm with my granddaddy. He would let me out at the barn and I would play with the baby pigs until he was ready to return home.

  141. Happy Birthday Sweet Petunia! If I remember correctly, since it was awhile ago, I think I liked to play with Barbies, and play school (I loved to be the teacher), and I'm pretty sure I was crafting something back then too. Hope you enjoy your day!

  142. Sweet Petunia, happy birthday! Don't grow up too fast. Stay sweet, stay happy and keep smiling!

  143. Happy birthday from Alaska! I loved to swim in the pool in our backyard in Arizona when I was your age!

  144. Happy Birthday to a beautful young lady, may you have a wonderful day and a year of blessings. OMG it is hard to remember back to age eleven. I do remember that I loved to escape into a book whenever I could.

  145. Happy birthday Petunita. I hope all your birthday wishes come true.

    I can't wait until my birthday in July, because I'm going to finally get the most incredible stamping tool invented as a present to myself. Birthdays are the best.

  146. I forgot to say I loved playing outside when I was your age. We lived across the street from a park with all the usual equipment. I also loved legos and matchbox cars, and reading like crazy.

  147. Happy Birthday Petunia. My daughter Celina just celebrated her 14th birthday on the 21st of March. I hope that your day was awesome. When I was your age I used to play with my Strawberry Shortcake dolls and paper dolls (I still have them packed away in a box for my girls when they get older). But, teddy bears were and still are my favorite thing...I loved my Care Bears.

  148. Happy Birthday to a sweet girl. You can see the joy in her face. Being 11 is a wonderful age so enjoy a wonderful day filled with many blessings.
    When I was 11, I loved playing board games and riding my bike.
    hugs and have a great day

  149. Happy Birthday, Sweet Girl!
    I turned eleven fifty years ago. Memories of playthings are dolls, china tea set, a slinky, outdoors swing set. :-)
    Many happy returns to your birthday!

  150. Happy Birthday Sweetheart! When I was your age I loved to play with Barbie dolls. I would take a big blanket out in our back yard and spread it out and play with all my Barbies.

  151. Happy Birthday, Enjoy your day with family and friends. Wear your favorite dress and take lots of pictures . My dad always told us that you can eat whatever you want on your birthday so live it up and have lots of chocolate !

  152. Happy birthday sweet lil Petunia. I hope you have a wonderful day and you sound like such a very special child. We can just feel how much your Mom loves you from her post. Let's see when I was 11 (a very long time ago) Barbie dolls had recently came out so I loved to play with my Barbie dolls. I remember getting a pink car for my Barbies to ride it. I loved that car and is still one of my favorite toys and memories. God bless you on your special day.

  153. Happy Happy 11th Birthday to you Little Petunia! You are a fashionable, beautiful young lady, a model in the making. You look very stylish in your photo shoot! My daughter's birthday is also this month, and she turned 30 years young! She is also vibrant and beautiful like you. When I was 11 I was busy playing with Barbie Dolls, loved to play anything outdoors, and of course starting to experiment with makeup and boys were catching my eye. You too look like you enjoy the outdoors, a fairy in the garden! Enjoy life and much love to you and your family! Sincerely, Lisa Stewart ;-)

  154. Sending very Happy Birthday wishes to you Petunia. Hope your day is magical! I'm not sure what I played with when I was 11, maybe with Barbies? My mom sewed all sorts of fabulous outfits for her and I had a Barbie camper.

  155. Happy, Happy Birthday!! Eleven is such a cool age! When I was eleven, I spent a lot of time either being a tomboy and hanging out with my brothers, or being girly and spending time with my girl friends. I used to daydream a lot and had some really great fantasies (like having a lot of money so my parents didn't have to work!). When the weather was nice, I would play outside with my friends, but when the weather was not so nice, I found a lot to do inside like reading, drawing and painting, playing music and dancing and playing games with my siblings. I also started learning how to cook with my Mom and my Grandmom, and I got to join the Junior Choir at my church!! Eleven is a wonderful, carefree time in your life--enjoy it to the fullest!!

  156. Happy, Happy Birthday Sweet Little Petunia! When I was your age I was playing with my Barbie dolls and sewing little outfits for her along with her friend, Midge and little siblings. I liked to play with them on the front porch and enjoy the spring and summer weather here in Pennsylvania. Have a wonderful, fun year!

  157. Happy birthday sweet Petunia! Hope you have a wonderful day celebrating another year, blessed by the presence of God! When I was your age I loved to ride my bike, collect stamps and swim, swim, swim!

  158. Happy 11th Birthday Petunia . I hope your special day is full of love, fun, friends and family, and happiness. I wish you so much more. On my 11th birthday, best I can remember, I was playing outside a lot, riding bikes,playing basketball with my brother etc. I loved to play with my Barbie doll and all the clothes my grandmother made her. Last but not least I loved to read. I still do.

    All the best Debbie

  159. Happy birthday, Petunia! When I was your age, I lived in the city, so my favorite games were things my friends and I could play on the sidewalks and streets -- jumprope, Chinese jumprope, ringolevio, and things like that :-)

  160. Happy Birthday! I hope you will enjoy your special day =)

  161. Sweet Petunia ...... Happy Birthday. I could feel the love in your Mom's words when I was reading her post about you. There is nothing sweeter than a Mother's Love for her child. Anyway, thinking back on what I loved to do when I was 11 years old; I grew up in a very small town, about 800 people, and there wasn't much to do so I would grab my journal and find a quiet spot and write about all the wonderful things I imagined I would do when I grew up. Today, looking back on those words I wrote so long ago bring me much joy. I wish you a wonderful birthday!!

  162. Happy Birthday! 11 years old!I am sure you are already a lovely young lady! When I was your age, I liked to sew clothes for my Barbie doll (a hand-me-down from an older friend in the city). I grew up on a farm, and my mother sewed EVERYTHING! She would give me the leftover scraps and I would make up my own designs and patterns. At 11, I already had made many clothes for myself. I also liked to bake--with 6 brothers, who all worked so hard on the farm, it was my privilege to keep the cookie jar full! Have a blessed day and a charmed year!

  163. Happy Birthday and enjoy your day! I remember getting together with friends and playing party games like Trivial Pursuit and Pictionary.

  164. Enjoy your day
    Laugh a lot
    Eat your fave stuff
    Visit a fun place
    Eleven candles
    Never let it end!

    Happy Birthday!

  165. Big Happy Birthday Wishes!!! What a great age. I grew up on a farm and I remember when I was around your age we would play down at the barn. I would spend many hours playing with the farm animals--playing in the hay making forts and hay mounds to jump in--what fun!!! I used to love my pogo stick and we would see who could jump the longest. I loved going to the pond to catch frogs and count the tadpoles. Oh to be 11 again....thanks for bringing back all these memories!!!! I sure hope you have a great Birthday and eat lots of cake and ice cream.

  166. Happy birthday, Sweet Petunia! I hope you're having a fantastic birthday celebration and have enjoyed spending some of it with all of us who love your Mom so much. When I was 11, I loved to ride my bike with my best friend who lived down the street. We loved to talk and listen to music with each other. I also loved reading and frequently had my nose stuck in a book. It's so fun to read and be transported to another time or place. I also liked to do crafts back then like needlepoint and cross-stitching. I hope you have a wonderful birthday! PS Love those shoes you're wearing!

  167. Aww Happy Birthday to your Sweet Petunia. Yay for birthdays these are the days they will remember most. Wishing her many blessings. When I was her age I love to draw and make lots of fun things for my mom. My favorite time was in the Summer when I got to go to Church Camp. God is awesome. :) hugs

  168. Happy birthday sweet Petunia...your best present is your mom's about ten year or something more you will go back to these words she is writing for you today and know how much a mother can love a child and how much a mother can be the one and only friend really understanding you in this beautiful life! Turning 11 was a great deal for me...I felt like growing so much and changing a lot! I loved ride my bike all my afternoons with my best friend...have a wonderful birthday!

  169. A most Happy Birthday, sweet Petunia! Eleven is such a fun age! Enjoy these fun 'tween years - they pass so fast! Hope you are showered with presents and blessings! :)

  170. Happy Birthday to you!! Hope you've had a wonderful birthday with your family and friends. My daughter Phoebe turned 11yrs in February and loves reading, playing SIM's on her Ipod and cuddling with our dog Bella. I really liked to sing when I was 11yrs so would spend a lot of time recording songs off the radio and singing away to them in my room. I was also obsessed with horses but we couldn't afford one. Luckily a lot of my friends had them so I also spent lots of time riding and pretending the horses were mine. I hope your 11th year is just as fun and carefree as mine was!!

  171. Happy, happy Birthday, Sweet Petunia! Eleven is a big number! When I was your age, my siblings and I played in our tree house. It was on a coconut tree (in the Philippines) and you had to climb a rope ladder. We had many fun memories! It was a clubhouse; a pirate ship; a grocery; a hiding place from doing chores; a school--it whatever we wanted it to be. Have a great day!

  172. Here's what my dad always sings to me on my birthday: "Happy birthday to you. You live in a zoo. You smell like a monkey. And you act like one too."

    Happiest of birthdays to you! Enjoy your very special day!

  173. Happy Birthday Sweet Petunia! I can tell you are loved. Cherish the love your mother has for you- it is precious! When I was your age, I was beginning to cross-stitch, & I loved reading sooo much. It was a means for me to go places, & my head was always stuck in a book. My sisters & I were close, we played hide & seek a lot, & we were frequently found hunting for lightening bugs!

  174. Happy birthday from Germany Sweet Petunia!

    Ich wünsche dir eine wundervollen Geburtstag!!

    When I was 11, I spend a lot of time in the pool, because I loved to swim. The other time I was with my friends in the wood. We builted a "Baumhaus" (treehouse?) and played "Robin Hood" .

    Have a great day!

  175. Happy Birthday, Sweet Little Petunia! Eleven... well, it was a long time ago! I had Barbies and I loved slumber parties! I remember being so excited for my slumber party and my Mom decided to cut my hair the day of the party. Total disaster! She had to rush me to a beauty parlor to get it fixed so I could look good at my party! Luckily the hairdresser could save the day!

  176. Happy, happy Birthday, you sweet little Petunia!!!! May all your days make you have a big smile like the picture your Mother posted. Enjoy your special day!!!

  177. Happy, Happy Birthday you Sweet Little Petunia!!! May you smile everyday like you are smiling today! Enjoy your special day!!

  178. Happy, Happy Birthday! Enjoy your birthday and your eleventh year. What a wonderful age to be. I grew up on a farm and at age 11 I had a lot of chores. I also enjoyed playing with my kitty and dog. I started babysitting for the neighbors 5 kids Monday thru Friday 8 until 5:30 in the summer. Not much time left over!


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