
Sunday, October 18, 2015

Blueprint Christmas

Using product in a way other than the way it was intended is how we make our supplies go further.  It makes our investment in our craft grow.  That's right, I said investment.  We invest in our supplies.  The return on our investment is not only the joy we bring to others but also the joy we feel in giving.

There is a parable that tells the story of three individuals.  These individuals were trusted with their master's gold.  The first man was given five bags of gold and he invested it and gained another five.  The second man was given two bags and he also invested it and doubled it as well.  The third man was given one bag.  He buried it and gained nothing.  The master returned and told the first and the second man, "Well done, good and faithful servant."  He was not happy with the third guy.  The third was more concerned about himself and fearful of failing, so he played it safe and did nothing with it.

So with my investment of pigment ink refills, I used it in a different way.  I used it as paint.

Which brings me to our investments.  The gold that God has given us is the gift of creativity.  That is why I put 1 Peter 4:10 on each and every MISTI.  "As each has received a gift, use it to serve one another as good stewards of God's varied grace."  So let's make some cards to make other's feel loved instead of burying our supplies.

I sincerely hope that you take a risk on your investments and make them double.  Here is some insider information, no matter what you make, you will feel joy when God says, "Well done, good and faithful servant."

Supplies used:
Stampers Anonymous Christmas Blueprint
Stampers Anonymous Mini Handwritten Holidays
Lawn Fawn Snowy Backdrops 
Lawn Fawn Stitched rectangles
Avery Elle pigment ink refills 
Delicata Gold refill
Versafine Black onyx


  1. What true words you have said today!!! I really like how you painted the stamped images! So pretty!

  2. What a fun way to use the Misti.

  3. Thanks for sharing your cool cards Iliana....great look to re-stamp after coloring!!!
    Paper Hugs,

  4. Beautiful...I like how you colored image and then stamped over with black onyx ink...just beautiful!

  5. I am fascinated with your product! Today I found your blog and enjoyed your thoughts on the parable . Some day I would love to own a Misti to save paper as well as time. I enjoyed the video and your creativity. Blessings!!

  6. Iliana, you are so special. I feel joyfull on how you always place God first on all your plans. i admire you. Lovely cards. Blessings. Thanks for sharing all this with us.

  7. Iliana, I loved your video and really loved how you showed how we can color and then re-stamp the image to make the outline more beautiful! Thank you so much for inventing the MISTI and sharing it with us all! And congratulations on the big move upward. Hugs!

  8. Wow, your cards are stunning, I just love them!


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